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Stress Relief Coaching

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Meeting you virtually wherever you are!

Holistic Health & Wellness Nurse Coaching

The type of coaching that I offer is focused on working with stress that your mind & body experiences from a nurse's perspective. I utilize the nursing process & nursing theory to uphold a therapeutic relationship during our time of working together. You will get to know yourself deeper and how you experience stress in life. This wisdom lays the groundwork to further learn how you individually cope with stress in an adaptive way. The main goal is to decrease your overall allostatic load, which is the overall burden put on the body by repeated or chronic stress and life events.

This service is for clients who live in Louisiana.

Therapeutic Yoga

Did you know there there is more to yoga than postures?

This type of yoga works on the attention and flexibility of your mind & body.

Focusing on self-study and learning tools to live a more meditative way of life. 

Other areas of focus is healthy personal practices, breathwork, letting go, therapeutic attention, kindness, authenticity, state of harmony, and meditative movement.

This service is for clients that live outside Louisiana.

Interested in working together?

Reach out for more info today!

I'll be in touch soon!

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